Our umbrella covers a whole lot. Of design stuff. And printing.

40 Years of Creative Problem Solving
If a promotional piece is beautiful, that’s a bonus. But it’s far more important for your marketing materials to WORK.  That’s what our slogan is all about: Let it rain. Rather than run for cover, we embrace the challenge. We stick our heads out into the storm and look for a break in the weather. We’re problem solvers. We figure out creative ways to reach your target audience with a provocative message that will get them to respond. That’s the truest objective of great design.

Big World. Big Umbrella.
There are literally hundreds of methods for promoting your business. Which ones make the most sense for you? Will they fit into your budget? Will they resonate with your preferred customers? Will your promotional efforts generate leads and referrals? What about repeat business?

Umbrella specializes in branding packages for small and large companies, for individuals and groups, for both profit and non-profit businesses. We’ve run national campaigns, including logo design, product development, and packaging materials; copywriting for ads, articles, magazines, books, and video scripts; designed and printed brochures, booklets, catalogs, flyers, rack cards, signage, booth displays, banners, billboards – the list goes on. 

If it uses ink on paper or pixels on the internet, we’ve done it successfully. Thousands of times.

Free Marketing Consultation.
Promoting your business begins with a conversation.  With decades of marketing experience under our umbrella, we’re more than happy to share what we’ve learned. We’ll take a look at where you’re at, where you want to go, and how we can help you get there. 

Let’s start with a phone call. You can reach Marty Longé, our principal designer, at 253-951-3052 or by email at [email protected]